A top woman Maoist cadre, who was carrying a reward of Rs 100,000 on her head, surrendered to the police in the district headquarter town of Nabarangpur on Friday. Sandhaya alias Shivabati,20, surrendered along with a gun at the district police headquarters before the SP Brajesh Kumar Roy and IG (southwestern) Yashwant Jethwa. Police seized a 12-bore SBML rifle, a pistol and 17 rounds of live cartridges from her.
"She joined the Maoists organisation in 2010 and was an armed cadre of the Gobra Dalam of the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist. The Odisha government had announced a cash reward of one lakh rupees for information regarding her.
Briefing newsmen later, IG Jethwa said the 20-year-old Shivabati Madkami alias Sandhya, a native of Bhutenga village of Gariabandh district in Chhattisgarh had joined the CPI-Maoist outfit in 2010. Later, she worked as an active member of Gobara Dalam under Mainpur Division.
During the interrogation, Sandhya reportedly said she had been left alone by fellow cadres during an encounter with the BSF and DVF personnel inside the forest in Raighar along Odisha-Chhattisgarh border on March 14 this year.
"Her surrender is likely to give a set back the Maoists activities near Chhattisgarh-Odisha border. She has urged other cadres to leave the Maoist fold and surrender," Nabarangpur is considered to be one of the strongholds of Maoists in this state.
"She joined the Maoists organisation in 2010 and was an armed cadre of the Gobra Dalam of the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist. The Odisha government had announced a cash reward of one lakh rupees for information regarding her.
Briefing newsmen later, IG Jethwa said the 20-year-old Shivabati Madkami alias Sandhya, a native of Bhutenga village of Gariabandh district in Chhattisgarh had joined the CPI-Maoist outfit in 2010. Later, she worked as an active member of Gobara Dalam under Mainpur Division.
During the interrogation, Sandhya reportedly said she had been left alone by fellow cadres during an encounter with the BSF and DVF personnel inside the forest in Raighar along Odisha-Chhattisgarh border on March 14 this year.
"Her surrender is likely to give a set back the Maoists activities near Chhattisgarh-Odisha border. She has urged other cadres to leave the Maoist fold and surrender," Nabarangpur is considered to be one of the strongholds of Maoists in this state.